
How does god decide who goes to heaven

How does god decide who goes to heaven

How does god decide who goes to heaven

How does god decide who goes to heaven solve this vital query accurately, we want to look at the scriptures withinside the bible and what they have got to mention regarding this query.

One element you have to recognize from the get-cross is that God dreams all of us to be stored and be with Him in heaven via the demise of our Lord Jesus Christ whose handiest can furnish salvation and everlasting existence to any sinner who involves Him in repentance.

On the opposite hand, God has additionally created us with loose will this means that as a lot as God wishes all of us to be stored and achieve everlasting existence via His Son Jesus Christ, He can`t pressure salvation on us if we aren`t inclined to acquire it.

So, for us to get a correct solution regarding the query of ways God determines who is going to heaven, we additionally want to talk about the loose will of man.

The Role Of Free Will In Salvation.

For us to recognize the function of our loose will in our salvation and going to heaven, we want to recognize what loose will is consistent with the bible.

The biblical definition of loose will is the cap potential to voluntarily make your very own choices without restraint or outside coercion. This is what differentiates us from robots.

Our loose will may be a blessing or a case. A blessing if used to make correct alternatives and a curse whilst used to make awful existence alternatives that have extreme everlasting results withinside the existence to return.

Now you recognize what loose will is, you’ll now recognize the way it pertains to our salvation and going to heaven or hell which changed into organized for satan and his angels.

God Wants All To Be Saved.

We are instructed in 2 Peter 3:8-10 that the Lord is affected person and long-struggling now no longer inclined everybody to perish however all to return to Him in repentance due to the fact judgment day is coming.

From the above verse, we can see that God dreams all of us to be stored and to spend eternity with Him in heaven. On the opposite hand, on account that we’ve loose will, He simply can`t forcefully store us if we don`t need to.

Many human beings willfully mock and reject God`s love and provide of salvation via our Lord Jesus Christ every day and cross as some distance as pronouncing that they don`t want to be stored from something and that there is ok

This is why whilst you try and introduce Jesus Christ to human beings, maximum of them will mock you and cross as some distance as pronouncing they don`t want your Jesus.

There lies a hassle and that is why God Can`t simply store all of us as He will honor the alternatives we make even as right here in the world as to whether or not we need to serve Him or now no longer and most significantly to spend eternity with Him in heaven.

How Will God Determine Who Goes To Heaven?

How does God determine whom to store There aren’t any smooth solutions to this query. The Bible is apparent that everlasting existence is a loose present from God that we do now no longer deserve.

We do now no longer earn our manner into heaven with the aid of using being correct human beings. The Bible says that our quality works are like filthy rags

So, which means that no folks will visit heaven primarily based totally on how correct we had been or our correct works due to the fact our correct works can not earn us salvation and everlasting existence which the handiest Jesus Christ can give.

In short, Jesus Christ changed into attempting to mention that the handiest He is the manner to heaven due to the fact it`s the handiest Him who can furnish you salvation and everlasting existence as Acts 4:12 splendidly sums it up.

We Are Only Saved By Grace Through Faith.

Only via the call of Jesus Christ can salvation and eternal existence be found. So every other try to discover salvation be it in fake religions of this international apart from in Christ Jesus will simply lead you to a useless end.

The key passage to the problem is Ephesians 1:3-14. Paul explains how God stored us with the aid of using grace via religion and sealed us with the Holy Spirit as an assurance of our salvation.

This salvation changed into completely God`s doing and changed into now no longer primarily based totally on something we did. It changed into consistency with whendidreleasedate His satisfaction and will (verse 5). How does god decide who goes to heaven

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