
Why did god make me ugly

Why did god make me ugly

Why did god make me ugly

Why did god make me ugly “Leah is the oldest daughter, and the narrator offers us however one vital element approximately her. The textual content says that she had `vulnerable or negative eyes.` Some have assumed that she had horrific eyesight. But the passage does now no longer say, `Leah had vulnerable eyes, however, Rachel should see very well.` It says Leah had vulnerable eyes, however, Rachel become stunning.

So `weakness` in all likelihood intended that she become cross-eyed or ugly in a few ways. The factor is clear. Leah becomes especially unattractive, and she or needed to stay all her lifestyles withinside the shadow of her sister, who become stunning.”

The Lord is Near to The Brokenhearted

We should now no longer neglect Jacob, the husband of each Rachel and Leah. He had his very own set of issues, the maximum of which stemmed from his childhood. That`s due to the fact Jacob`s father, Isaac, preferred his brother Esau over him. As a result, Jacob grew up irritated and bitter. And determined for love.

Jacob didn`t realize his father`s love. He didn`t realize his mom`s love. And he didn`t realize the affection of God. So whilst he simply observed Rachel, he become inclined to do insane matters to get her — like paintings for seven years for her tyrant father Laban (almost 4 instances the everyday fee of a bride).

This Time I Will Praise The Lord

“When the Lord noticed that Leah become hated, he opened her womb, however, Rachel become barren. And Leah conceived and bore a son, and she or he is known as his call Reuben, for she said, `Because the Lord has appeared upon my affliction; for now my husband will love me.` She conceived once more and bore a son, and said, `Because the Lord has heard that I am hated, he has given me this son additionally.`

And she is known as his call Simeon. Again she conceived and bore a son, and said, `Now this time my husband could be connected to me, due to the fact I have borne him 3 sons.` Therefore his call becomes known as Levi. And she conceived once more and bore a son, and said, “This time I will reward the Lord.` Therefore she was known as his call Judah. Then she ceased bearing” (Genesis 29:31-35).

“When Leah gave delivery to her ultimate son, Judah, she said, `This time, I will reward the LORD` . . .

We shouldn`t simply have a take a observe what God did in her. We should additionally have a take a observe what God did for her. . . This infant becomes Judah, and in Genesis forty-nine we’re advised that it is thru him that the real King, the Messiah, will one day come. God had come to the female that no person wanted, the unloved, and made her the ancestral mom of Jesus. Salvation got here into the world, now no longer via stunning Rachel, but via the undesirable one, the unloved one.”

One of my favored passages in Scripture is Isaiah 53:

“For he grew up earlier than him like a younger plant and prefer a root out of the dry ground; he had no shape or majesty that we need to have a take a observe him, and no splendor that we need to preference him. He becomes despised and rejected with the aid of using guys; a person of sorrows, and familiar with grief; and as one from whom guys disguise their faces he become despised, and we esteemed him now no longer”

This passage speaks of Jesus Christ. The is the person that becomes born into a manger. His dad and mom have been negative. Isaiah tells us that he had no splendor that we need to preference him; John tells us that his very own didn`t get hold of him (John 1:11). The Gospels tell us that his pals abandoned him. And Mark tells us that his circle of relatives and friends doubted him.

Yet, that is the Son of God.

And this becomes the person who lived the appropriate lifestyle, died the sinner`s death, and rose from the grave. Salvation got here via the person without a splendor.

The Beauty of Imputed Righteousness

To folks who get hold of Christ as Savior with the aid of using trusting in his completed paintings get his righteousness or, as a few theologians note, his imputed righteousness. Martin Luther is known as “the superb exchange.” For the Christian, God takes your whendidreleasedate ugliness (sin) and offers you his splendor (righteousness). Because of our righteousness, then, each Christian is stunning. Our sin has been eliminated a long way because the east is from the west. Why did god make me ugly

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