
When did east and west pakistan separate

When did east and west pakistan separate

When did east and west pakistan separate

When did east and west pakistan separate

When did east and west pakistan separate  East Pakistan and West Pakistan have been separated via way of means of a thousand miles of Indian territory.The language distinction made matters unsightly as Urdu turned into declared the country wide language.

Economic Tensions:

Pakistan`s biggest export Jute turned into produced in East Pakistan but maximum of the finances turned into spent on West Pakistan.

During the guideline of thumb of Ayub Khan, it turned into found out that handiest 22 households have been managing all of the commercial and banking belongings of Pakistan and they all have been from West Pakistan.

Social Tensions:

The language trouble turned into proved to be extensive as Urdu have become the reliable language despite the fact that Bengal had a populace of virtually four million. There have been cultural variations among East and West Pakistan and West Pakistan commenced thinking about themselves advanced via way of means of insulting the Bengali get dressed code.

Military & Political Tensions:

In 1970, Yahya Khan held elections however turned into reluctant to switch powers to the elected Mujib-ur-Rahman due to the fact he turned into from East Pakistan. The reluctance of Yahya fired the agitation a few of the humans of East Pakistan and a rebel turned into commenced.

To suppress the rebel, Yahya used navy motion towards the Bengali humans and hundreds have been killed. Yahya`s motion made this worse and it have become not possible for East Pakistan to simply accept rule from Islamabad.

When did east and west pakistan separate

When did east and west pakistan separate

East Pakistan felt betrayed via way of means of the Government of Yahya Khan and their biased nature turned into have become apparent. In 1966, needs of Awani League famously referred to as the `6 factors` have been rejected via way of means of Ayub Khan.

The chief of the Awami League, Mujib-ur-Rahman turned into arrested. East Pakistan encountered excessive flooding, however they did now no longer obtain remedy in time. In 1970, the 6 factors have been accepted, and Bengalis have been hopeful that they’ll be allowed to shape the Government.

In 1971 conflict, India intervened, and West Pakistan confronted defeat and partition of Bengal have become eminent.


In 1948, the Bengalis have been disillusioned whilst the Bengali script turned into eliminated from the stamps, authorities exams, and coins. In 1949, after more than one years of the formation of Pakistan, the Bengali nationalists withinside the Muslim League parted their methods and fashioned the Awami League.

The Rise of the Awami League:

Initially, the celebration turned into installed to symbolize the Bengali humans and combat for his or her rights withinside the newly fashioned u . s . of Pakistan. Its first president turned into Abdul Hamid Khan.

A.K Rafiqul Hussain, Mujib-ur-Rahman and Khondaker Mushtaq Ahmed have become the Awami League` joint secretariat.

This occasion modified the entirety for West Pakistan and its East Wings’ People as a sour consciousness hit them and after going through non-stop discrimination, they in the end fought a conflict for his or her freedom and independence.

During the guideline of thumb of Ayub Khan, the Bengalis confronted intense discrimination in Pakistan in nearly each sector. The Awami League and its whendidrelease chief Mujib-ur-Rahman received recognition after Ayub Khan`s rule got here to an end.When did east and west pakistan separate

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